With your permission, My Care Record will provide health and care professionals directly involved in your care, access to the most up-to-date information about you.
- Better co-ordinated and seamless care
- Quicker diagnosis and treatment
- Fewer unnecessary clinical tests
- More time to spend on clinical care
- More accurate prescriptions
- Less paperwork and less repetition
- Safe and secure decision-making
What is My Care Record?
The people caring for you need access to your health and care record in order to make the best decisions about your diagnosis and treatment. This could include GPs, hospital-based clinicians, nurses, health visitors and social workers.
For this to happen more quickly and to improve the care you receive, a new process has been put in place. This will allow your information to be accessed by different health and care organisations, using existing computer systems.
This does not share your record, but provides health and care professionals, with your permission, access to your health record.
Find out more at www.enhertsccg.nhs.uk/mcr
What is My Care Record?
If you would like this information in an alternative format, for example large print or easy read, please let us know. You can call us on 01707 685 140 or email enquiries@enhertsccg.nhs.uk
Frequently Asked Questions
Opt Out Form (DOCX, 153KB)
My Care Record Information in easy read format as pdf (EXTERNAL PDF LINK)