When are these appointments available?
Appointments are available 365 days per year from 6.30pm to 8pm Mon- Friday and from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and 8am to 12pm on Sunday.
Who can access these appointments?
Anyone registered with a GP practice in Welwyn & Hatfield.
How do I book an appointment?
Contact your GP practice in the usual way to request an appointment. If there is no appointment available at your practice, they may offer you an appointment with the GP Extended Access Service, if this is right for you.
What can I be seen for?
A GP Extended Access appointment is exactly like an appointment at your own GP practice. The service can see babies, children and adults and has nurse appointments for some treatments. The reception team at your registered practice can give you more details on this. This service is based at Spring House Medical Centre, see below for more details.
Where do I go for my appointment?
The service is located at Spring House Medical Centre, allowing patients from all around Welwyn and Hatfield a central location with excellent transport links. Spring House is on Ascots Lane, WGC AL7 4HL. https://www.springhouse.nhs.uk/contact1.aspx
Does this mean I’m no longer registered with my own GP and have to attend Spring House all the time?
No, you will remain registered with your own GP practice. You would only attend Spring House if you wish to access the extended access service. You must always contact your own GP practice for further appointments.
Can I book an emergency appointment?
No, this service is for routine appointments only. Patients requiring emergency appointments must follow the usual practice advice.
Will I see my own GP and/or nurse?
You will be seen by experienced GPs and nurses, but it is unlikely that you will be seen by your own GP or nurse. If you would prefer to see your usual GP or practice nurse, please book an appointment with your usual practice during their normal opening hours.
Will the GP or nurse I see have access to my medical record during my appointment?
Your medical record will, with your consent, be available to the Clinician that sees you. This is to ensure that they have all the information they need to give you the best possible care. Your record will be updated by the GP or nurse who provides your care.
Further information about how we use your medical record is available at www.ephedrahealthcare.co.uk
What if I don’t want to give my consent for my medical record to be seen by a different clinician?
The service relies on the sharing of information between practices otherwise clinicians would not be able to see your past medical history and provide the routine care that you expect. If you do not wish to give consent to share, then you need to see a Clinician at your own practice. The receptionist at your practice will inform you of this at the point of booking the appointment.
How do I cancel or change an appointment?
If you need to cancel the appointment, please call your own GP practice stating that your appointment is with the WelHat Extended Access Service. On Saturdays and Sundays, you can call 01707 294358 and leave a message to cancel.
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